Configure signals

Configure signals

Last Updated: April 4, 2023


What is a signal?

A signal is a key, actionable event that you’d like surfaced to your team. Below are three example signals (one for each signal type that Endgame supports):

Signal Type
Threshold Signal
A workspace gets within 75% of a feature quota
Significant Change Signal
A workspace spikes in active users count significantly
Every Time Signal
A new user, with “VP” in their title, signs up

You’ll notice that last example had a conditional (with “VP” in their title). These are called filters and can be applied to any signal.

How to view signals


Within Endgame on the Feed page

Reps can view signals by accessing the Feed of Endgame. If the rep has their own book of business (e.g. they are the Account Owner, BDR, CSM), the feed will be confined to just their owned accounts. Otherwise, the feed will show all signals across your entire user base.


Slack Notifications

If your Endgame admin has enabled the Slack integration, reps can also connect the feed to their Slack for personalized daily slack notifications summarizing recent signals within their feed.

How to configure signals

  1. On the left sidebar of Endgame, click Segments.
  2. Click Configure Signals within the segment you’d like to configure.
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  4. You can review this segment’s current signals here. You can modify or delete a signal by clicking the gear icon next to the field.
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  6. Let’s create a new signal together. To do this, click + Add Signal at the bottom-left.
  7. Within the Add Signal modal, click the Field dropdown to browse available data points your team is sending to Endgame. You can also begin typing to filter the list.
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  9. Select a field (such as Activity).
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    If a gear icon appears to the right of the field you selected, it means the field is a multi-dimensional field. You can read more about field dimensions here. For now, you can ignore this for this purposes of this tutorial.
  11. Click Add Signal.
  12. You can choose to fire this signal based on the field hitting a defined threshold (e.g. the event happens 10 times), significant increase, or every time. Let’s use significant increase.
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  14. You now have the option to add a filter to this signal, such as only firing this signal is the user’s title contains “CEO”, “VP”, or “Director”. When done, click Done.

With this new signal created, Endgame will now alert you and your team if/when the signal is fired across your accounts.

As signals come in, you’ll see who triggered the signal and when. You can then click into the signal to examine the user or workspace in full and take action.

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