

Last Updated: March 21, 2023

All aspects of Endgame — from your Milestones, Signals, Segments, and Views — begin with, and are driven by, your fields.


Field Basics


A field can be scoped to User (e.g. Title), Workspace (e.g. Plan Tier), or Account (e.g. ARR). When viewing a particular data record (e.g. a User), you can reference any field higher up in the hierarchy.

As an example, you can create a filter to show all Users with Workspace Plan Tier “Pro”, or all Workspaces with Account ARR > 1M.


Most fields in Endgame are sourced from external systems, such as Segment, Census, Hightouch, Salesforce, Hubspot, a data warehouse, etc.


Certain number fields have multiple dimensions. For example, a count of Widgets Created may have a few dimensions you can choose from when filtering with or displaying the field, such as:

  • 30 Day Count
  • 7 Day Count
  • 1 Day Count
  • 30 Day Change
  • 7 Day Change
  • 1 Day Change
  • 30 Day % Change
  • 7 Day % Change
  • 1 Day % Change

What fields do I need?

To see what data points are required, check out our Endgame SchemaEndgame Schema. We’ve also compiled a set of best practices fields you can review here: Best Practices FieldsBest Practices Fields.

Calculated Fields

Endgame is also capable of various ‘last mile transformation’ to help make best use of the data you’re collecting. Your Endgame rep can help build these fields for you. A few examples below.

Time-bound fields

For any event-based field (e.g. number of button clicks), you can time-bound by X number of days.

Examples: • Button clicks within last 1 day • Button clicks within the day 7 days

Math fields

You can addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to calculate values.

Examples: • Successful Uploads / Successful Uploads + Failed Uploaded • Button clicks within last 7 days / Active users in last 7 days


You can use evaluation logic to determine what value to render.

Examples: • If tier like ‘pro%’, render “Pro”, else ‘org%’ render “Org”, else “Other” • If revenue > 100000 or employees > 100 render “true” else “false”

Historic values

You can look back at prior values of any field, including property fields (e.g. Subscription Status, Number of Employees).

Examples: • Seat count / Seat count 7 days ago • If subscription was active 7 days ago but isn’t now, render “true”

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