

Last Updated: March 21, 2023

This assumes that Sources and Models have already been configured in your Census account, and that you have separate models for accounts, users, and events that align with the Endgame Schema.

Prior to creating a Census connection to Endgame, please make sure you've talked to the Endgame team about codifying an object model that suits your needs. This will need to be established by Endgame prior to configuring the connection in Census.

Creating a new Service Connection

  1. Navigate to Connections in the Census UI and add a new Custom API service.
  2. Enter the following information and save your Endgame Service Connection: Name: Endgame API URL: https://data.endgame.io/v0/census-rpc?census_authentication=your_endgame_api_key
  3. ⚠️
    Your Census API key will be provided by the Endgame team
  4. Save your new Service Connection and navigate to Syncs.
  5. Select the model you intend to deliver to Endgame (e.g., Accounts).
  6. image
  7. Select the newly created Endgame Service Connection and map the appropriate fields
  8. image
  9. Upon saving your new Sync, make sure to select the "Run a sync now" option to make sure the full dataset is synced to Endgame.
  10. Once saved you can configure your Sync to run on a schedule in the Sync Configuration. Our recommendation is to run the sync at least hourly
  11. ⚠️
    In the case of Event models, Syncs should be configured to be Append Only to prevent duplication of events being sent to Endgame.
  12. Complete the Sync creation process for each relevant object—such as Accounts, User, and Events—and then you're good to go!