
Getting Started

Getting started with Endgame is simple—and only requires that you authenticate via Salesforce and Gong:

  1. Navigate to https://end-p1.endgame.io/
  2. Click "Continue with Salesforce"
  3. You'll be presented with two Salesforce API authentication screens—simply click "Allow" on both.
  4. You'll be redirected back to Endgame—at which point you can also choose to authenticate Gong (assuming you're a technical admin).

Once you have things connected, Endgame will automatically start ingesting your Salesforce data. This can take some time, and our team will reach out when it’s ready.

Common Questions

In the case that Gong gives you any trouble, it's likely the user authenticating lacks the Technical Admin permission within Gong. This can be explicitly enabled for the user making the connection in the Team Members Settings
